
Japani 2011

Japanin vuoden 2011 tsunami linkkikatsauksena (Lisää materiaalia näiden sivujen linkeissä)
Koon­tia tsu­na­min ai­heut­ta­mas­ta ydin­on­net­to­muu­des­ta

Calculated wave height of the 2011 tsu­na­mi originating near Sendai, Japan (from NOAA computer model). ; By NOAA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Cropattu ku­vas­ta: Map of the Sendai Earthquake 2011 and aftershocks until March 14, 2011 at 11:20. The size of the circles is a function of magnitude, and the color indicates the date: light green: March 11; yellow: March 12; orange: March 13; red: March 14.;By www2.demis.nl, Uploader User:Heinz-Jo­sef Lücking (http://www2.demis.nl/quakes/) [Public domain, Public domain or CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Skies over northeastern Japan were entirely cloud-free on March 13, 2011, providing a clear view of tsu­na­mi flooding along the coastline. Water, black and dark blue in these false-color images, still covers the ground as much as five kilometers (three miles) from the coast. The lower image, taken on February 26, 2011, shows the coastline under normal conditions.; By NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

GE1 Maa­il­ma muu­tok­ses­sa / Uusi opsAar­ne Hag­man; Kurs­sin ri­kas­tus­ma­te­ri­aa­lia 201616.8.2016