
Nettimateriaalia ja tulvakuvia

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Nash­vil­le, TN, May 4, 2010 — FEMA is comp­le­ting ae­ri­al pre­li­mi­na­ry da­ma­ge as­sess­ments over Ten­nes­see fol­lo­wing the se­ve­re storms and floods that have da­ma­ged or dest­roy­ed ho­mes and bu­si­nes­ses in Ap­ril 2010. Da­vid Fine/FEMA; By Da­vid Fine (This ima­ge is from the FEMA Pho­to Lib­ra­ry.) [Pub­lic do­main], via Wi­ki­me­dia Com­mons

This high­ly de­tai­led true-co­lour ima­ge shows the stark eas­tern edge of the Zam­be­zi floodp­lain. To the left of the edge, wa­ter co­vers eve­ryt­hing. Deep blue chan­nels wind among green, shal­low­ly floo­ded plains. To the right of the edge, the land is dry. The city of Ka­sa­ne is perc­hed con­fi­dent­ly along the edge of the flood plain.8 May 2010;By Jes­se Al­len and Ro­bert Sim­mon [Pub­lic do­main], via Wi­ki­me­dia Com­mons

PORT-AU-PRIN­CE, HAI­TI (Sept. 16, 2008) An ae­ri­al pho­tog­raph of floo­ding cau­sed by Hur­ri­ca­ne Ike:By U.S. Navy pho­to by Mass Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Spe­ci­a­list 2nd Class Gina Woll­man [Pub­lic do­main], via Wi­ki­me­dia Com­mons

GE1 Maa­il­ma muu­tok­ses­sa / Uusi opsAar­ne Hag­man; Kurs­sin ri­kas­tus­ma­te­ri­aa­lia 201616.8.2016