Säätilan pitkäaikainen keskiarvo
- Imasto-opas
- Luontoportti: Ilmasto-opas
- Tiede 15.05.2008 Ilmastohistoria luettiin entistä pidemmälle
- Tiede 19.12.2012 Ilmasto säätää Suomen historiaa
- YLE Uutiset Lappi 21.4.2011 Napapyörteen häiriö kiristää pakkasia
- NOAA Real Time Atmospheric Global Data « Google Earth Library
- Global Climate Animations
- Exhibits Collection — Weather
- Climate Diagrams – Index
- Category:Climate – Wikimedia Commons
- Category:Climate diagrams – Wikimedia Commons
- Category:Climate diagrams by country – Wikimedia Commons
- Google Earth Gallery: Climate
- climate4you welcome
- Weird, Rare Clouds and the Physics Behind Them
- First-ever global map of surface permeability informs water supply, climate modelling
- Science News Solar Activity Between 1250-1850 Linked To Temperature Changes In Siberia
- General & Human Biology: Ecology; Biosphere
- Ocean Currents and Climate
- CRUTEM4 temperature data Google Earth interface
- Discovering Physical Geography (Flash- animaatioita):
- Maritime vs. Continental Effect
- Temperature and Location
- Global Temperature Patterns
- The Tropical Savanna (Aw) Climate
- Humid Subtropical Climate
- Marine West-Coast Climates (Cfb, Cfc)
- Remote Sensing and Climate
- Reconstructing Past Climates Using Oxygen Isotopes
- Global Climates
- The Greenhouse Effect and Global Climate Change
- Average Weather and Climate guide with graphs and analysis of average temperatures, rainfall, sunlight hours, relative humidity, windspeeds etc.; This work has been released into the public domain; This applies worldwide.