Kiviaineksen kierto
Endo- ja eksogenian yhteistoimintaa
- Kiviaineksen kierto (
- Peruskallio – Korkea ja matala rannikko » Merenkurkun saaristo
- Geologiaa helposti; Itä-Suomen yliopisto
- Suomen 20 kiinnostavinta luolaa kartalla | Luonto |
- Tee kiviretki Kuopiossa – EveryTrail
- University of Kentucky: Geology Animations, Interactive Exercises, and now… Songs!
- Rock Cycle
- Mineral Animation: including 3D models and good descriptions of mineral properties
- Igneous Rocks Animation: with textures and compositions
- Weathering Animation: physical and chemical mechanisms explained and illustrated
- Sedimentary Rocks Animation: from depositional environments to texture and composition
- Metamorphic Rocks Animation: with facies and relationship to plate tectonics
- Discovering Physical Geography (Flash- animaatioita):