Meitä on moneksi
Materiaalia netissä
- Journey of Mankind
- Languages of the World
- Ethnologue country index
- Foreign Language Online Dictionaries and Free Translation links
- Google Earth Gallery: Cultures
- Global Exchange
- Survival International
- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Cultures
- Opiskelijoiden tekemä esitys YouTubessa:World Geographical Regions
- Kristinusko ja islam yhä maailman valtauskonnot – uskonnottomien määrä vähenee | Yle Uutiset | yle.fi 14.3.2014
- 40 more maps that explain the world
- 18. North America’s languages, before colonialism
- 24. The amazingly diverse languages of Africa
- 31. The Islamic states of the world, from 1450 to today
- 33. The religious lines dividing today’s Middle East
- 36. The languages of China and the surrounding area

A performance by the Kahurangi Maori Dance group. (Maori Dancers from Kahurangi Maori Dance of New Zealand performing at the Leeming Hangi in Canterbury, New Hampshire, USA);By Henryhbk (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons