
Japani 2011

Japanin vuoden 2011 tsunami linkkikatsauksena (Lisää materiaalia näiden sivujen linkeissä)
Koon­tia tsu­na­min ai­heut­ta­mas­ta ydin­on­net­to­muu­des­ta

Cal­cu­la­ted wave height of the 2011 tsu­na­mi ori­gi­na­ting near Sen­dai, Ja­pan (from NOAA com­pu­ter mo­del). ; By NOAA [Pub­lic do­main], via Wi­ki­me­dia Com­mons

Cro­pat­tu ku­vas­ta: Map of the Sen­dai Earth­qu­a­ke 2011 and af­ters­hocks un­til March 14, 2011 at 11:20. The size of the circ­les is a func­ti­on of mag­ni­tu­de, and the co­lor in­di­ca­tes the date: light green: March 11; yel­low: March 12; oran­ge: March 13; red: March 14.;By www2.de­mis.nl, Up­lo­a­der User:Heinz-Jo­sef Lüc­king (http://www2.de­mis.nl/qu­a­kes/) [Pub­lic do­main, Pub­lic do­main or CC0], via Wi­ki­me­dia Com­mons

Skies over nort­he­as­tern Ja­pan were en­ti­re­ly cloud-free on March 13, 2011, pro­vi­ding a cle­ar view of tsu­na­mi floo­ding along the co­ast­li­ne. Wa­ter, black and dark blue in the­se fal­se-co­lor ima­ges, still co­vers the ground as much as five ki­lo­me­ters (three mi­les) from the co­ast. The lo­wer ima­ge, ta­ken on Feb­ru­a­ry 26, 2011, shows the co­ast­li­ne un­der nor­mal con­di­ti­ons.; By NASA / God­dard Spa­ce Flight Cen­ter [Pub­lic do­main], via Wi­ki­me­dia Com­mons

GE3 Ris­kien maa­il­ma / Van­ha opsAar­ne Hag­man; Kurs­sin ri­kas­tus­ma­te­ri­aa­lia 201324.7.2013